Torsis200_Healing>OiL™ ulei de masaj ayurvedic, medicinal, antiinflamator aplicabil pe toată suprafața pielii, oriunde pe corp
• 100% natural, organic, vegan, raw, presat la rece
Conține:extras uleios din plantele din compoziția Torsis200(pulberi de plante încapsulate), vitamina D și din Cinnamomum, Poria cocos , Paeonia lactiflora Pall (Herbaceous peony), Paeonia suffruticosa , Amygdalus persica
• poate fi ușor tulbure natural, datorită conținutului din pulberi de plante
• dureri inflamatorii, osteo-articulare, abdominale
• utilizat ca adjuvant principal în vederea retragerii fibromului uterin și a oricărui alt proces de fibrozare, inflamare, cu localizare diferită, oriunde pe corp
• la indicația medicului specialist sau a celui de familie
• indicată este aplicarea direct pe piele a uleiului medicinal Torsis200_Healing>OiL™, simultan cu administrarea internă de Torsis200 capsule în ritm de 2>7capsule/zilnic, la ore diferite, în funcție de gradul de dezvoltare a fibromului uterin sau a inflamației locale, oriunde s-ar afla aceasta
• uleiul se încălzește la temperatura corpului și se aplică seara, înainte de culcare, pe suprafața exterioară a corpului, direct pe piele: pe regiunea fibrozată sau în zona dureroasă
• introdus cald, în regiunea intraomblilicală, crește fertilitatea, rezolvă disconfortul abdominal
Prezentare:Flacon de 500mL.
Garanție:5ani, cu rambursare integrală în intervalul primelor de 30 de zile de la recepția produsului; rambursarea, oriunde în lume
A nu se lăsa la îndemâna şi la vederea copiilor!
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includ elementele fizice si subtile ale vindecării, ale regenerării.
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Informatii in Romania doar la :
Deținem și produsul original Torsis200
Torsis200 ®™
• we have the main and genuine Product
Torsis200 ®™ 100% natural bioorganic Alchemical food supplement
Torsis200 ® one of the most complete organic intracellular detoxification systems in the world and probably the most powerful natural_bioorganic tumor solvent at the moment in the world
performs in time (in ~ 12 months), an extremely deep detoxification at the intracellular level
Torsis200 ® it is more efficient than ever
It is also considered a 100% natural ‘cytostatic’ , without side effects
* Torsis200 slows or stops the growth of certain cells by inhibiting their cell division. Depending on the specific mechanism of action, for your needs, Torsis200 interferes with cell division in different ways, for example by disrupting metabolism or by simply damaging the DNA of a tumor cell
!!! Special warranties for this product:
* restores the acid-base balance; prevents osteoporosis
* in connection with the ‘Prevention’ effect, as long as you use Torsis200®, in small amounts of powder taken sublingually, immediately after each meal (even if you eat a single fruit), you will not be exposed to the risk of triggering / producing a new serious condition (whatever it may be)
* hormonal regulator
* adjuvant in all types of pancreatitis
Information in Romania only at:
*** Torsis200 ® / News for this year
between today and 18.May(inclusive), the Asian Multinational Ayurvedic Trust, offers you a
Unique Promotion !!!
(in the sense that this Offer could most likely be a unique one):
* double amount of capsules, 400 capsules, instead of 200 capsules (which is the product standard)
* having an administration interval of 12 months instead of 6 months, for Administration type “A” or type “B”
* the price remains the same for the double quantity of capsules 500euro/ 2500Lei ( which is the permanent official price for 200 capsules)
* in this Extremely Limited Offer you will receive a FREE box of 100% Bio Alkalized Vitamin C at 500gr.
Manufacturer’s note:
* Even if it is possible for the stock for this Promotional Lot to run out quickly, all orders received in the above interval will be honored, with shipping to recipients at a later date than the promotion interval.
AyurvedaTrust is 100% for you!
Torsis200 ® 100% Natural Alchemical Supplement that detoxifies, deeply cleanses the whole body
Results observed after use in the European Union for over 15 years:
* Eliminates 100% risk of A.V.C. (stroke),
* High efficiency in the treatment of dyslipidemias
* Eliminates inflammation, infections and atypical cells (with chaotic functioning) to the level of the bone marrow.
Helps significantly in weight loss.
Torsis200 ® Food Supplement
* To stop the DISEASES, including the TUMORAL ones (cysts, carcinogenic diseases, nodules, lipomas, etc.), in all phases of evolution
Torsis200 ® bioorganic plant powders; 100% natural product
Torsis200 ® probably the most powerful natural and bioorganic tumor solvent at this time in the world
• Official price: pack / sealed box with 200 capsules / 2500 Lei (500euro) for at least 6 months (you have the Guarantee of 6 Months of use, in case of Type “A” Administration (transport is paid by courier, ~ 30 Lei, plus VAT / 7euro)
Transport: in 3> 5 working days
* Transport in emergency mode: additional 25 RON / in 1> 2 working days
Possible uses of Torsis200 ®
after the results obtained in the European Union for over 15 years:
* Detoxifies, deeply cleanses the whole body
* Completely eliminates the risk of stroke
* Removes ascites fluid from the abdominal cavity naturally and in real time
* Successfully used in the treatment of varicose veins
* High efficiency in the treatment of dyslipidemia
* Liver regenerator
1. in WEIGHT BELTS, adjusts and brings the body to a naturally normal weight (high efficiency)
2. DETOXIFIES the whole body over time
3. adjuvant in the treatment of urological diseases, (especially in inflammations, infections, etc.)
4. adjuvant in the treatment of all O.R.L. diseases (infections)
5. Adjuvant in the treatment of Rheumatism
6. Adjuvant in the treatment of periodontitis
7. It facilitates the functioning of the heart, fluidizing the blood flow
8. Beneficial action on the nervous system: by neural regeneration (after 2 years of use; energetic_causal action)
9. Adjuvant in the treatment of Prostate Adenoma and in Lipomatosis
10. Adjuvant in cases of insulin- and non-insulin-dependent diabetes helps a lot in the recovery of beta cells in the pancreas (Langerhans islands)
Beta cell antibodies cause the autoimmune form of diabetes, a condition known as type I and type II diabetes > adjuvant in all types of pancreatitis
11. Stimulates the immune system
12. Helps in the regeneration process after all types of paresis
13. Adjuvant in cases of Epilepsy
14. Adjuvant in treating cases of infertility, impotence (energetic_causal action)
15. Adjuvant in the treatment of mental illness
16. Completely eliminates the risk of stroke;
17. Adjuvant in cases of encephalitis.
It acts both directly, at the level of the physical body, and at the level of the causal body, from the source from which the disease state was generated.
• Torsis200 regulates and restores hormonal balance; improves the ability to eliminate excess estrogen (both through the liver in particular but also through the intestine)
Torsis200 reduces circulating of estrogen and corrects the so-called ‘dominant-estrogen’ (excess estrogen compared to progesterone)
• Torsis200 contains a type of saponins (saikogenin, type ‘A’; an inhibitor of dipeptidyl-peptidase-IV, with anti-inflammatory action by increasing corticosterone generated by ACTH secretion) that stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which has as an effect the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone-ACTH (ACTH, is responsible for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands; they also secrete progesterone).
Torsis200 also has an antispasmodic action (in other words, pain relief), anti-inflammatory (through saikogenin type “A’): in women, it is effective in treating premenstrual tension and premenopausal syndrome; for men, it reduces any type of muscle pain;
general anti-inflammatory
Recommendations in administration,
results from experience gained in efficient use over 15 years (only in Europe; and in Asia over 50 years).
There are three types of administration:
Type ‘A’)
In detoxification treatments,
for the treatment of DISLIPIDEMIA
in the case of pregnant women
Type ‘B’)
For tumor conditions,
infections of any kind,
for overweight people at risk of obesity, etc.
Type ‘C’)
Specially designed for people with
• morbid obesity or
• in terminal stages of the disease (multiple metastases),
• sepsis,
• various serious infections,
• boils,
• varicose veins, etc.
* Tumor tissue or layer called the ‘atheroma plaque’ on large blood vessels (arteries),
initially it will be isolated then it is possible to dissolve completely and be eliminated by natural means.
* The type of Administration is decided according to the diagnosis, analysis and health of the patient!
Composition: Mixture of an extract of 108 ingredients (details, in the section ‘Marturisiri/Confessions’, towards the end) prepared according to Alchemical principles and methods and stabilized on a 100% NATURAL-fibrous support.
Some components: Arthemisia Abrotanum, Achillea millefollium, Pure Gold ions (Alchemical Gold_powder), sky dew, beast grass, Flavonoids (Natural Antioxidants), Minerals, Resins, Essential Oils, etc.
The product Contains: 10,000 mg (minimum) as herbal powders in 200 organic celluloid capsules. Only in the Torsis200 / 2021 Offer which includes 400 capsules for 13 months of use type ‘A’, the actual product content (capsules loaded with plant and mineral powders, without packaging), can exceed 150 grams (150,000mg.)
• The 200 capsules ensure a minimum of 6 months of administration (7 months in Type ‘’A’ administration, maintenance, detoxification, weight loss)
Undo each cps. and is administered
• 1/3 of the plant powder inside the capsule
• sublingual
To remember:
One administration = 1/3 of a capsule
Administration (Treatments) / Types:
Type ‘A’ Administration
3administrations / day,
* Is the Maintenance treatment /
* Daily Detoxification /
* In case of Pregnancy
* for Maintenance, can be taken
* 1 pack of Torsis200 ® every year, for the whole life (it is RECOMMENDED)
For the first 2 weeks>
• 3 administrations / day, of 1/3 capsule (in total 1cps./day),
• immediately after the main meal
(Important> Wet your mouth with a little water before each administration)
Open each capsule and administer:
• 1/3 of the plant powder inside the capsule,
• sublingual (10_15min.)
• immediately after the meal
• swallow at the end with a little water (what is left in the mouth of the plant powder)
At this rate, the 200cps. ensure a treatment autonomy of at least 6 months (and the 400 capsules in the Torsis200/2021 Offer, as it is already understood, will cover a minimum of 12 months of treatment)
Treatment for dyslipidemia:
When administering for the dissolution of atheroma plaque on large blood vessels, it is recommended:
* 1/3 of the plant powder from a capsule of Torsis200 to be administered in the early morning in a mixture with a teaspoon of virgin olive oil and cold pressed
* after lunch and evening meals, it is also recommended 1/3 of the plant powder in a Torsis200 capsule and also mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil.
Dyslipidemia is a condition characterized by altered fat metabolism highlighted by changes in cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides.
Dyslipidemia – classification
* genetics
* secondary to other conditions
Genetic defects are located in genes that synthesize enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of fats (lipoprotein lipase, liver lipase) or in genes involved in the synthesis of apoproteins. Genetic dyslipidemias can be autosomal dominant (it is enough for one parent to have the genetic defect) or autosomal recessive (both parents must have the genetic defect).
Secondary dyslipidemia accompanies other types of diseases:
* obesity (increasing adipose tissue mass and increasing insulin resistance causes an excess production of free fatty acids with increasing LDL values)
* diabetes causes disorders of lipoprotein metabolism by hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in people with insulin resistance
* thyroid disorders, especially hypothyroidism are associated with elevated levels of LDL-cholesterol by decreased liver clearance
* kidney disease (especially nephrotic syndrome) is associated with hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia
* liver diseases can cause both increased lipoprotein levels by decreasing their clearance and decreasing them by affecting the biosynthetic capacity of apolipoproteins
* Cushig syndrome due to increased glucocoticoid levels causes increases in LDL, triglycerides
* Estrogens increase HDL synthesis
* Excessive alcohol consumption inhibits the oxidation of free fatty acids and increases triglyceride levels
* diets rich in saturated fats (meat, milk, chocolate, pastries, fried foods) cause dyslipidemia
* medicines can change cholesterol levels (thiazide diuretics, estrogens, beta-blockers)
* stress, anxiety, smoking are other major risk factors
Type ‘B’ Administration
6 administrations / day (ie in total, 2 cps./day)
• From the 3rd week of the ‘A’ Type Treatment
• For all tumor diseases, in the situation of discovery of
• lipoame,
• polyps,
• infections of any kind and
• for overweight people at risk of obesity, etc.
(Needed for treatment>
minimum 2 Torsis 200 packages for 1 year; treatment lasts 2 years)
(Important> Wet your mouth with a little water before each administration)
Open each capsule and administer
* 1/3 of the plant powder inside the capsule
* sublingual (10_15min.)
* Both before meals (main meals), with ~ 2 hours (better efficiency); {can be taken immediately before meals, but the results are better if administered ~ 2 hours before meals}
* as well as immediately after the meal (main meals)
* swallow with a little water
* The organic celluloid capsule is not swallowed at regular administration (Type ‘A’ or ‘B’) It is dissolved and the amount of plant powder inside is taken 3 times.
* One capsule contains the maximum amount that can be taken once:> Not recommended for people with
* morbid obesity or
* in terminal stages of the disease (multiple metastases)
Type ‘C’ Administration
Specially designed for
• people with morbid obesity
• or in terminal stages of the disease (multiple metastases),
• sepsis,
• various serious infections,
• boils,
• varicose veins, etc.
(Important> Wet your mouth with a little water before each administration)
* content from 1 / 2cps.
* before and after each meal,
* sublingual (10_15min.)
* or for those who can’t stand the complex taste, you can swallow the capsule with the organic celluloid coating, with a little water
* maximum 3 capsules / day, in doses of 1 / 2cps. at a maximum of 1 capsule for each administration, with 30min. before and after the meal
Iron absorption and Torsis200 ®
Iron absorption is done in the proximal small intestine. The transport of iron from inside a cell to its outside is done by a transmembrane protein: FERROPORTIN.
There is a peptide hormone made up of 25 amino acids, HEPCIDINE, which degrades FERROPORTIN.
Torsis200 ® directly influences the hepatic synthesis of Hepcidin depending on the needs of the body:
• in case of hypoxia and in case of urgent increase in iron requirement, Torsis200 inhibits the production of HEPCIDINE, leaving free the circulation of intracellular iron (with the help of FERROPORTIN)
• in case of excessive iron absorption, Torsis200, over time (max. 9 months from the start of Type “B” administration), may stimulate the production of HEPCIDINE, having as a direct consequence the decrease of iron absorption.
Warranty and refunds (conditions from January 1, 2015): If the treatment does not suit you or for any other reason, it can be returned within a maximum of 30 days from the shipment to you and you will receive in the next 48 hours (2 working days), full refund. There is a difference that represents the minimum expenses of the manufacturer for this product to reach your door: shipping_tax, bank fees, customs, handeling fees, etc. Reimbursement is required: original packaging and min. 80% of the product quantity and / or 160 capsules.
You are completely safe.
Your healing process has just begun!
* In the Torsis200 ® package you will find 200 white capsules with herbal powders
* The quantities taken, as you can see, are very small
* If you accidentally touch or drop the plant powder on another clean surface, it’s okay: the product can be consumed.
* We also suggest you try to respect the administration time!
* Torsis200 ® has the ability to cleanse your body of toxins over time.
* Torsis200 ® eliminates 100% the risk of A.V.C. (stroke), eliminates inflammation, infections and all atypical cells (with chaotic functioning) down to the bone marrow.
* During the treatment, the consumption of proteins or other products of animal origin is not recommended!
* There are no contraindications to the administration, neither for insulin-dependent patients, nor for those who have prostheses, who have received any form of transplant or who have suffered accidents, etc.
* It can be administered in parallel or after any form of treatment or surgery, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, allopathic treatment, etc.
• Frequent and fluid stools are signs of the onset of the detoxification process. Stay calm, calm and full of confidence! It is a natural process. Chew well and swallow a teaspoon of raw rice, uncooked with a little water then continue the treatment.
• Only if there is great pain of the internal organs, the administration of the natural supplement is interrupted for a maximum of 2-3 days, during which time enemas are made every 2 hours, or in the advanced stages, even every 30 minutes (in the last water for enema add a capsule of Torsis200 / 0.2L. hot water)
• In case of pregnancy, throughout its duration and in the case of devitalized people, only type ‘A’ treatment is recommended:
> 1 / 3capsule in the morning, at noon and in the evening, immediately after the meal
> sublingual (10-15min.)
> then the plant powder is swallowed with a little water.
This type of treatment (in case of severe pain of the internal organs) is followed for 2 weeks, by a light massage with warm oil, in the evening, before bed, all over the body (for 10-15 minutes), at an interval of 2 every 3 days
* Simultaneously with the Administration of Torsis200 we recommend you to consume increased amounts of hot water, at body temperature: minimum 1.5 to 2Litres of water / daily!
* All these Ayurvedic remedies have actions on multiple levels: physical (biochemical, physiological), physical-energetic by fine regulation of electrical impulses transmitted in the neural network and up to an energy-causal level. They prepare us for the process they are initiating: that of total healing
* Be patient with your products and with yourself in this complex healing process!
All products
include the physical and subtle elements of healing, of regeneration in a natural, natural way, without disturbing other functions of our body (no side effects)
Simplicity, peace, relaxation, continuous happiness, health, eternal youth, unconditional love, infinite prosperity, uniqueness, the Light of the rainbow, .. and more than all this, it is You. Reveal them!
Information in Romania only at: